Date: 1/11/2023
Time: 3:00 PM - 4:30 PM (EST)
Status: Open - 51 places remaining
Registration Deadline: 1/10/2023 4:00 PM (EST)
Fee: No Fee
Point of Contact:Robert Jones (843) 740-6180 Program Format: Online Meeting (Live)
Training Topics: Business Financing, Risk Management
The USC Region SBDC presents a webinar on savings on energy costs for your small business and funding opportunities for energy-related projects. We will be presenting information on the USDA Rural Energy for America grant program, which funds eligible energy efficiency upgrades and renewable energy projects.
We will review other energy incentives available to small businesses. Dominion Energy will present its energy incentive programs for your business. Representatives from the USDA Office of Rural Development will also be on hand to answer questions.
The zoom link and instructions will be sent to your email address when the event registration closes.
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